Eyes wide shut: sleep aids

Nonprescription (OTC) medications are available to treat insomnia but there are differences between them: Sleep aid products containing diphenhydramine are the best choice for the treatment of insomnia. Examples of these products include Unisom Sleep Gels, Sominex, and generic diphenhydramine products. The dose is 25-50mg at bedtime. Start with the lower dose and if necessary increase to 50mg. READ the label. The amount of active ingredient varies from product to product. For example, Sominex contains 25mg of diphenhydramine while Unisom Sleep Gels contain 50mg of diphenhydramine. Generic products may save you money. Doxylamine is another active ingredient available OTC to treat insomnia. It is contained in Unisom Tablets. Do not get confused between the two products. Doxylamine has been studied less than diphendydramine and is not the preferred treatment. Some sleep aids like Tylenol PM also contain a pain reliever as well as diphenhydramine. These products are helpful when sleeplessness is accompanied by aches and pains. All of the Over the Counter products are for short-term use. If insomnia persists more than 7-10 days, see your doctor. Talk to your pharmacist about OTC sleep medications - he/she can help you choose the best one for your situation. Prescription medications are available from your doctor Medications with a fast onset and short duration of action (to avoid excessive day time sedation) are usually preferred Some examples are: Lunesta, Ambien, Sonata, Roserem Other, older medications are available but they may cause residual sedation Dietary supplements are also available OTC for the treatment of insomnia Buyer beware - these products are not regulated by the FDA Examples include melatonin and valerian Studies evaluating these products have had variable results Eliminate naps Follow a regular sleep pattern Complete exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime Avoid heavy meals or big snacks before bedtime Avoid alcohol later in the evening Avoid caffeine later in the day Do relaxing activities before bedtime Make your bedroom comfortable for sleeping Leave the bedroom & relax activity for 20-30 minutes
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